Spring Break.....
At first spring break started slowly then it seemed to fast forward and then it was over. Somethings I learned.... It is very frustrating to try to keep a house clean with all four kids home from school. I don't think the floor was ever clean or clear for walking. So instead of being home and seeing all the mess it is better to leave and have fun. I hope I can remember this when summer comes. First day of spring break we had the missionaries over for dinner and FHE. I discovered it is hard to fit 7 adults and four kids in our tiny dinning room. I pulled out the card table for the kids to eat and Mike and I and grandma and Mark and the three missionaries ate at the table. It worked as long as we sat

down in sequence and then did the reverse for getting out. It was a success. Mark and Grandma did not stay for FHE but the rest of us had a lot of fun. Tuesday Mike left for an interview at UAB and so we were on the road to take him to the airport. The kids were very sad. Me too. Wednesday we stayed home and attempted to get some things done like laundry. Thursday we found Gunners Lake and hiked around the lake twice. The trail is a mile long. The kids saw fish and rocks and shells and birds and had a blast. Then we headed home for lunch and some rest. We picked up Mike at the airport at 11pm and we were so glad to see him. Friday we had an easter playgroup party. The older kids loved helping the younger kids and they all got to do crafts and eats lots of yummy food. Then we came home and they helped me fill our plastic eggs with goodies for our own egg hunt which they were hoping would be that night but Daddy. It was a great success. Saturday morning I went hiking with a friend and came home to kids and Dad doing colored eggs. We enjoyed conference and then went the HOA's egg hunt. They all had a great time and Maralah won a door prize she was the best sharer and gave away 4 of her prizes so that everyone that was with took home something. Then we went home to watch

the afternoon session of conference and had an egg hunt. Sunday we had cinnamon rolls and more wonderful conference sessions to watch. Monday I took the kids down to DC and we had a blast going to the monuments and climbing cherry trees. Tuesday they were still out of school but I needed to stay home and do laundry so they could have clean clothes to wear to school on Wednesday. As it goes as soon as spring break was over we just wanted more.